Tag Archives: job search

A New Résumé for My New Career Path!

new path

Over the past few months, I’ve been refining my thoughts about my new career path.  As I’ve become clearer about what I’m seeking and what I have to offer, it’s become more important to frame my résumé properly.

I find this unusually difficult.  I’d much rather tell the world about how great YOU are, and exactly what qualities, skills, and experiences make YOU the perfect candidate.  Meanwhile, I have trouble doing justice to myself.

However, I have now drafted a new résumé, with a little help from my friends!

Here it is. (Please click on this link to see it.)

I’ve had some really valuable assistance from six very kind people:

I thank them wholeheartedly, and I now invite you to critique this new version.  Please feel free to email me directly or post your critique in the comments section.